What Makes Havanese Well Suited for Work as a Support Dog?
The Havanese breed is a natural choice for a support dog due to its outgoing personality and its ability to bond with people. They are patient and easy to train, which makes them great for working with people who have autism, anxiety or other mental health issues. Havanese are hardy and playful and wonderful at interacting with children. The hypoallergenic, non-shedding coat means your Havanese support dog will be a welcome guest in many types of establishments and its small size makes it easy to travel by plane or vehicle.
At Weatherford Havanese, our breeding dogs are selected for calm temperaments, trainability and health making them ideal candidates for support dog training and certification.
There are three types of support dogs that work to meet humans' physical and emotional needs: therapy support dogs, emotional support dogs and service support dogs. Each plays a different role, and each has different rights under the law.
Therapy Support Dogs
Therapy dogs are usually volunteers that work part-time with organizations like St. John Ambulance to comfort residents in nursing homes, patients in hospitals, or survivors of trauma. Therapy dogs don't perform tasks. They make themselves available to be cuddled, petted or spoken to. Aspiring therapy dogs are tested to see if they're temperamentally suited to the role. They need to be relaxed, friendly, and most of all, unflappable.
How to qualify your Havanese as a Therapy Dog
Emotional Support Dog
These are pets whose presence improves the mental health of their owners. Emotional support dogs play a genuine role in their owner's well-being. Having a pet has been shown to improve cognitive function in seniors with dementia and to hasten recovery from serious mental illness. Cuddling with a Havanese has been show to relieve stress and anxiety in owners.
How Certify your Havanese as an Emotional Support Dog
Service Support Dog
A service dog is any canine that has been trained to perform specific tasks for a person with a physical or mental disability. Service dogs are trained to signal deaf handlers when fire alarms go off, to interrupt the obsessive behaviours of handlers with obsessive-compulsive disorder, or to open doors for handlers with mobility challenges.
How to Certify your Havanese as an Psychiatric Service Dog
Service Dog Web links